Sunday, January 10, 2010

Why Worrying Is a Waste of Time

Welcome to The Coaching Chronicles, an inspirational newsletter/blog designed to stir, inspire, and motivate you.

I've decided to call 2010 the "Year of No Fear." For me, 2009 was a year full of fear. As a result of the market collapse, there were layoffs at my investment firm and I spent the whole year worrying about what I would do if I lost my job. I worried about my friends who lost their jobs, and I worried about the lack of loving, committed relationships and responsible leadership in the world. These worry thoughts were not productive. In fact, these thoughts were often paralyzing. I was frozen, like a deer in headlights, afraid to take action for fear of making a mistake.

In the event that you or someone you know has been overwhelmed by fear recently, I have summarized some insights on overcoming fear below.

Now, you may be thinking, “Why is Lisa doing this?” So, please allow me a moment to explain. One of the ways I attempted to overcome my fear last year was to read a lot of books about leadership, positive thinking, lifestyle design and getting things done. After I finished each book, I found that I really enjoyed sharing the insights I gleaned from what I read with other people. I particularly enjoyed encouraging people to fulfill their life’s purpose. As Dr. Hendricks (author of The Big Leap) says, “On Judgment Day, God will not ask, ‘Why were you not Moses?’ He will ask ‘Why were you not [Say Your Name Here]?’ The goal in life is not to attain some imaginary ideal; it is to find and fully use our own gifts.”

One of the reasons I’m starting to post this content is that I have some insights to share that I think you may find helpful. This is my “gift.” As Steve Chandler (author of Mindshift) says, “I can only be scared when I’m focused on myself.” So, I will focus on you. I want to help you. I want to serve you. So I’m hereby committing to sending you helpful insights on a weekly basis (and if you find that is too much, please let me know). While my intention is to remain in the investment industry for the foreseeable future, as you will see, coaching is my passion and I will continue to document my journey in The Coaching Chronicles. And so, in the spirit of “no fear,” here is my first post. Let me know what you think!

The Coaching Chronicles: Why Worrying Is a Waste of Time

“Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due.” - William Inge

link is to a short article called “Why Worrying is a Waste of Time” by Gary Marcus, Professor of Psychology at New York University. He walks through the concept of worrying from a biological standpoint, and then gives several helpful tips on how to deal with worry.

Key Takeaway:
“The word worry comes from a Middle English word “wyrgan,” which means to strangle. And that's what worries often do; they seize us by the throat until we can't think about anything else. When worry takes on a life of its own, it becomes a huge and often pointless drain on our time and energy.”

A few more insights into worry from The Big Leap:
“Worry is not a sign we’re thinking about something useful; it’s typically something we have no control over. When confronted by a worry thought, ask yourself: “Is this a real possibility?” And “Is there any action I can take right now to make a positive difference?”

So be conscious of when you are worrying and recognize that you are wasting valuable energy. Give your brain something more useful to do, and tap its ability to develop creative solutions. You’ll be amazed by what you can come up with.

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia

Comments? Questions? Need help? Contact me at

In the event that you know someone who would benefit from this information, please pass this along, and ask them to consider subscribing to The Coaching Chronicles by sending me an email.